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14 juni 2017 Hatchtech Veenendaal: Exportgroei? Nu doorschakelen in het buitenland!

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Beaphar International in Raalte: Export Markets … how to identify and analyse?

Third Export Strategy session at Beaphar International in Raalte! Participants provided valuable insights on how to identify and analyse new export markets! Once again thanks to our host Mr. Marnix Geesing for welcoming us on April 3 on behalf of the company Beaphar International. Our group of export executives gathered at Beaphar International to participate in […]

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Export Strategy project at Schouten Sorting Equipment in Kampen

   Second Export Strategy session at Schouten Sorting Equipment in Kampen! Feedback from participants: very inspiring and practical sessions! On January 17 a group of export strategy executives gathered at Schouten Sorting Equipment to participate in the second module of our QE – Qualified Export Manager program. They are participating in this 1-year training and […]

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Kick-off Export Strategy project at Heinen & Hopman

Kick-off at Heinen & Hopman company! High-impact executive training and coaching can define your success and that of your company! Since September 2016 a new group of export strategy executives is participating in E&M’s QE – Qualified Export Manager programme. A 1-year training and coaching programme to become a strategic decision maker in export operations […]

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E&M is coaching SME companies from Mongolia, Bangladesh and Indonesia to market their products world wide.

E&M’s Export Management Consultant Mr. Fred Janssen travelled through Asia to give 1-week training sessions in Mongolia, Indonesia and Bangladesh. During the training, the exporters have started developing their own Export Marketing Plan on how to market their products world wide. With this, they prepare themselves for a follow up training in Europe combined with a […]

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E&M executed an export management training programme in Izmir – Turkey

E&M’s Export Management Consultant Mr. Fred Janssen trained 25 wine companies from Turkey on how to market their excellent wines into the European Union. A four-day training session was given in cooperation with 2 wine experts Mr. Marco van Tiggelen and Mr. Theo Jansen. As a result of this training the exporters developing their own […]

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QE – Qualified Export Manager: coaching and training a group of Dutch export management executives.

Since September 2015 a new group of export management executives is participating in E&M’s QE – Qualified Export Manager programme. A 1-year training programme to become a strategic decision maker in export operations and the (post-bachelor) course to acquire the title QE – Qualified Export Manager®. Several plenary sessions took place in which topics within the […]

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E&M assistance for export promotion in Pakistan

E&M contributed to a seminar for BSOs (Business Support Organisations)  for development of SEMPs (Sector Export Marketing Plans). This  three day training session was conducted by E&M’s trainer Fred Janssen ((CBI Expert), travelling from the Netherlands,  Mr. Zaheeruddin Dar (CBI Local Expert) and Mr. Imtiaz A. Rastgar (CBI Local Expert) at the PC Bhurban, Murree, Pakistan. If you are […]

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E&M is uitvoerder van de subsidieregeling Starters in International Business (SIB)

E&M ExportManagement is door de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO), voorheen Ministerie van Economische Zaken, geaccrediteerd voor het uitvoeren van bovengenoemde subsidieregeling. Onze adviseurs ontwikkelen samen met u uw strategie voor internationaal zaken doen. 100% betaald door de overheid! Indien u plannen heeft buitenlandse markten structureel aan te pakken dan is de subsidieregeling SIB – Starters […]

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Wat zijn uw exportdilemma’s?

Ieder exporterend bedrijf wil internationaal blijven groeien, ongeacht de marktomstandigheden waarbinnen het moet opereren. Iedere persoon binnen het bedrijf die zich met export/sales targets bezighoudt, heeft vragen hoe hij of zij dit doel het beste bereiken kan. In september 2014 organiseren we een gratis export event waarin we de 2 thema’s cq dilemma’s die obv […]

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