Arie Landsmeer

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Senior consultant, coach and trainer

Dr. Arie Landsmeer joint E&M in 2000 as associated expert. Specialized in European law (Phd), Financial Economics and Public Affairs (lobying). Mr. Arie Landsmeer is involved in developing and executing several export strategy training modules withing E&M’s product protfolio.

Short Bio:

  • PhD. Degree of Doctor granted, University of Amsterdam (December 1995); Title dissertation: De Europese richtlijn inzake depositogarantiestelsels (The European directive concerning guarantee schemes) (promoter Prof. Mr. M. van Empel)
  • MFE. Postgraduate education Master in Financial Economics, TIAS (Tilburg, theNetherlands) (1990/1991)
  • Law studies at the University of Amsterdam (1981 – 1988)
  • Public Affairs expert