Since the early 90s and up till March 2019 several groups of export strategy executives participated in E&M’s post-bachelor accredited Qualified Export Manager programmes. The Covid-pandemic caused a pauze in the plenary group programmes till Summer 2022, although some of the sessions have been finished by zoom meetings. Up from Spring 2023 we will catch up our plenary group programmes in which topics within the arena of international business will be introduced and discussed. Individual coaching will take place partly at the company and partly by zoom sessions to compose an export strategy document. Also several colleagues from “the export business” will introduce their specific company export strategy. The programme will be finished by the end of 2023 by a validation session – the apex of this programme! If successfully participants will receive the post-Bachelor accredited certificate “Export Marketing Management”, validated by the Dutch accreditation body CPION/Lloyds.
Coaching and training a group of Dutch export management executives.
Export Actueel
- Start nieuwe lichting Qualified Exportmanagers 11 april 2023
- Internationaal strategisch groeien? Start nieuwe lichting QE – Qualified Exportmanager in oktober 2021 8 augustus 2021
- Lees hier hoe 2 deelnemers ons Export Strategie programma hebben ervaren! 8 augustus 2020
- Samen met ExportPartner Nederland nog steviger op de exportmarkt zetten! 25 augustus 2019
- Sri Lanka UNIDO/ITC Export Strategy Project 25 juni 2018
QE - Qualified Export Manager: coaching and training a group of Dutch export management executives.
"QE - Qualified Exportmanager" by @EM_ExportMngmnt on @LinkedIn…
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"QE - Qualified Exportmanager" on @LinkedIn…
"QE - Qualified Exportmanager" on @LinkedIn…